
The Weather Prince

The Weather Prince is a captivating tale of young Teddy Putnam, a seven-year-old with an extraordinary gift that defies explanation. Born with an uncanny ability to predict weather events with startling precision, Teddy’s journey becomes a profound exploration of purpose, family, and resilience. As his talent grows, so does the challenge of navigating a world unprepared for the miraculous. Set against the backdrop of small-town life and infused with moments of humor, heartache, and awe, this story is a celebration of the extraordinary hidden within the ordinary. Perfect for readers who believe in the power of the unexpected and the magic of possibility.

Meet The Author

"Some things are so incredible that they border on the magical."

Teddy Putnam was a handsome young boy. Thick curly dirty blond hair, smooth features with large blue eyes. A handsome boy, indeed, but there are plenty of handsome boys around. But that’s where the similarity ends. You see, Ted could do some strange things. For example, he could predict the weather. Exactly. To the minute. Anywhere. Any time. He, also, could run his fngers over old furniture and get a sense of former owners…. a hundred years before. And Teddy Putnam was ….7 years old. The story reveals how the young, confused boy deals with these strange abilities. Along the way, we meet colorful characters, like Fritz Bauer, a Santa like, burly xpert on German sausage and beer. There is Doctor Friedrich von Becker, a world-renowned psychiatrist who comes out of retirement to try to help the Putnams grapple with Teddy’s situation. There is Joanna, a beautiful southern belle that bids fare to capture Ted’s lheart. Be prepared to suspend judgment and preconceived notions about what is “normal.”


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