

“Phenom” is the captivating story of Christian Tolliver, a young man whose uncanny natural talents set him apart in every arena he explores. Abandoned as a baby and adopted by a loving family, Christian discovers an extraordinary ability to excel in sports and games, yet struggles with the weight of his gift and the search for purpose. This heartfelt and inspiring novel delves into the complexities of talent, destiny, and the power of unconditional love.

Meet The Author

"Some things are so incredible that they border on the magical."

Phenom is an inspiring story of natural talent, determination, and the unique journey of a young prodigy. Christian Tolliver, an orphan raised in a loving home, discovers he possesses extraordinary skills in sports and beyond. As his abilities attract admiration and challenges, Christian navigates the complexities of talent, identity, and purpose. Set against a backdrop of small-town life, this compelling tale explores the delicate balance between embracing one’s gifts and staying grounded. Perfect for readers who love character-driven stories with a touch of the extraordinary, Phenom is a celebration of potential, perseverance, and the unexpected paths life can take.


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