
Black Thumb

In the small town of Potts Camp, Mississippi, Jeremiah Timmons, a reclusive yet extraordinary farmer, possesses an uncanny ability to grow crops that defy nature. His unconventional methods-marked by care, kindness, and whispered encouragement to his plants-spark awe, envy, and suspicion among neighbors. As Jeremiah’s remarkable yields stir rumors of supernatural intervention, he becomes entangled in a battle of faith, tradition, and community prejudice.

Black Thumb is a heartwarming tale of resilience, connection, and the miracles that happen when one nurtures life with love. Perfect for fans of stories that blend rural charm with profound human insight.

Meet The Author

"Some things are so incredible that they border on the magical."

Discover the extraordinary story of Jeremiah Timmons, a reclusive farmer with an uncanny ability to grow anything—bigger, better, and more beautiful than anyone could imagine. Set against the lush landscapes of Potts Camp, Mississippi, Black Thumb weaves a tale of miracles, mystery, and the magic of nurturing life.

Jeremiah’s unconventional methods—speaking to his plants, partnering with nature, and caring for his land—spark both awe and suspicion among his neighbors. Accusations of witchcraft and rumors of otherworldly help threaten to upend his tranquil life. But amidst the challenges, Jeremiah’s unwavering kindness to his animals, his self-sufficient lifestyle, and the unlikely friendships he forms reveal the transformative power of compassion.

From prize-winning vegetables to acts of courage, Black Thumb is a heartwarming journey of resilience, community, and the simple joys of living close to the earth. Perfect for fans of character-driven stories with a touch of whimsy and a lot of heart, this novel will leave you inspired to find the extraordinary in the everyday.

Step into Jeremiah Timmons’ world and witness a story where even the smallest seed can grow into something extraordinary.


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